The Barack Obama Inauguration, w/guest Alan Gitelson

How does the inauguration of incoming President Barack Obama compare with those of other chief executives in recent history? Will the American public give Obama a much longer “honeymoon” of support than the ones granted to George W. Bush and Bill Clinton? And will history be kind to the GW presidency? Returning as my guest is Loyola University political science professor Alan Gitelson, who has provided political analysis for NPR, WGN, and countless other media outlets. [Originally broadcast on WLUW’s Under Surveillance in January 2009.]

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Kevin Fullam is a writer and researcher, with extensive experience in fields ranging from sports analytics to politics and cinema.
In addition, he has hosted two long-running radio series on film and culture, and taught mass media at Loyola University.
Episodes of his two shows, Split Reel and Under Surveillance, are archived on the Radio page.