In commemoration of the recent conclusion of the critically-acclaimed Battlestar Galactica television series, here is an interview I recorded with Robert Thompson near the end of 2006 covering all sorts of issues discussed on the show. We’ll be examining the political and religious themes depicted in the series, but don’t worry if you haven’t seen Battlestar; we’ll also be looking at the show in the context of larger pop-culture questions. What makes a show (i.e. the original BG) dated? Do some genres of fiction age more quickly than others? And why is science-fiction a particularly convenient medium through which to discuss societal issues? Robert Thompson is the founder of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University. [Originally broadcast on WLUW’s Under Surveillance in 2006.]
- December 12, 2009
Battlestar Galactica, w/guest Robert Thompson
Kevin Fullam is a writer and researcher, with extensive experience in fields ranging from sports analytics to politics and cinema.
In addition, he has hosted two long-running radio series on film and culture, and taught mass media at Loyola University.
Episodes of his two shows, Split Reel and Under Surveillance, are archived on the Radio page.